How to Prepare Your Avalon, NJ, Winter Vacation Rental for Guests

How to Prepare Your Avalon, NJ, Winter Vacation Rental for Guests

Avalon is one of the best places in New Jersey to enjoy the winter season! With lots of fun, festive events it is a hotspot for families and couples to enjoy some holiday cheer.

So now is the perfect time to prepare your winter vacation rental for the festivities.

This article gives you a few top landlord tips for getting everything ready. Follow them and you'll see your ratings and bookings soar throughout the season!

Protect Against Cold Weather

The first thing you need to do to prepare your vacation home for the winter is to protect it against the weather. Make sure your vacation property is well-insulated and watertight. That way your guests will stay warm and dry, plus you'll save money on your energy bills.

You should also check your heating and plumbing systems for any damage or leaks. As temperatures drop, this can cause damage to pipes through bursting or blocking.

Cast your eye over all the windows and doors as well. This will help you spot any cracks or damaged seals around the edges. These can let in drafts, which will make the property cold and uninviting.

Prioritize Cleaning and Safety

Cleanliness is one of the most important things that guests look for in a vacation home. So do a deep clean on all areas of the property, both inside and outside.

Ensure you disinfect all surfaces and that bed linens are fresh and folded. If you provide extras, check that they are replenished. This could be things like shower gel, dish soap, and condiments.

Keep your guests safe by completing inspections of the electrical and HVAC systems. Clearing outside paths of ice and snow should also be at the top of your list.

This can be challenging during winter, so be proactive and do it before the weather gets too extreme.

If you find you do not have enough time to do all these things yourself, hire a property manager. Vacation rental management companies will organize all this for you.

This leaves you free to focus on things like marketing and tenant communication.

Make It Cozy

The winter period is a time of joy, with many guests renting over Thanksgiving and Christmas. Aim to make your vacation guests feel warm and welcome by adding home touches to the property.

Putting up holiday decorations can bring lots of festive cheer and make the place feel cozy. You don't have to go crazy, but a festive wreath on the door and some string lights will go down a treat.

Blankets, pillows, and lovely soft bedding are essential during the cold nights. Have plenty of firewood available if you have a wood burner. This allows guests to keep a fire blazing throughout a long winter's evening.

Maximize Your Winter Vacation Rental Bookings

If you want to have a winter vacation rental that is full all season, then follow the tips above. Running a clean, safe, and welcoming home guarantees you to get good reviews from your guests.

Here at PMI Saltwater, we're committed to helping you become the best vacation rental host. We're experienced in the local property market and we want to see your business grow.

Get in touch today to organize your initial consultation with one of our expert advisors.
